Word Delete Comment Shortcut

To delete all comments from all sheets in a workbook, a macro might be appropriate: Sub DeleteAllComments Dim WS As Worksheet For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets WS.UsedRange.ClearComments Next End Sub and you can associate a shortcut key with the macro via Tools Macro Macros DeleteAllComments Options.

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BEWARE: Deleting all comments does exactly that — it deletes them. As soon as you save the document, those comments are gone, so if you’re hesitant about taking this action, make a copy of the document first and work on the copy. Here’s how to delete all comments at once in Word 2007 and later: Go to the Review tab Comments group. Delete comment by shortcut. Select the cell which you want to remove its comment, press. Shift + F10 then press. Add or delete comment in Mac system. If you use Mac system, you can do as below. Add or edit comment. Select a cell you want to add or edit its comment, and press. Once you start a comment thread inside a Word document, you can choose to delete, hide, print, or reply to it. Delete a Comment To delete a comment, right-click on the comment and select Delete Comment. Shortcut: Because the D is underlined in word “Delete” in the right-click menu, that means after you right-click the a comment in Word, you can delete it by hitting D on your keyboard. This is a fast way to quickly remove comments after you’ve double checked them. Shortcuts like this are the fastest way to double your productivity.

Note: You can define your own keyboard shortcuts with the Keyboard Shortcuts plugin


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FunctionShortcut Key
Undo last action Ctrl + Z
Redo last action Ctrl + Shift + Z
Cut selected text Ctrl + X
Copy selected text Ctrl + C
Paste text from clipboard Ctrl + V
Select all text Ctrl + A
Swap header / source F11
Comment highlighted code Ctrl + Shift + C
Uncomment highlighted code Ctrl + Shift + X
Duplicate line caret is on Ctrl + D
Auto-complete / Abbreviations Ctrl + Space / Ctrl + J
Show call tip Ctrl + Shift + Space
Swap line caret is on with line above it Ctrl + T
Toggle bookmark Ctrl + B
Goto previous bookmark Alt + PgUp
Goto next bookmark Alt + PgDown
Toggle current block folding F12
Toggle all folds Shift + F12

This is a list of shortcuts provided by the Code::Blocks' editor component. These shortcuts cannot be rebound.

FunctionShortcut Key
Magnify text size. Ctrl + Keypad '+'
Reduce text size. Ctrl + Keypad '-'
Restore text size to normal. Ctrl + Keypad '/'
Cycle through recent files. Ctrl + Tab
Indent block. Tab
Dedent block. Shift + Tab
Delete to start of word. Ctrl + BackSpace
Delete to end of word. Ctrl + Delete
Delete to start of line. Ctrl + Shift + BackSpace
Delete to end of line. Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Go to start of document. Ctrl + Home
Extend selection to start of document. Ctrl + Shift + Home
Go to start of display line. Alt + Home
Extend selection to start of display line. Alt + Shift + Home
Go to end of document. Ctrl + End
Extend selection to end of document. Ctrl + Shift + End
Go to end of display line. Alt + End
Extend selection to end of display line. Alt + Shift + End
Expand or contract a fold point. Ctrl + Keypad '*'
Create or delete a bookmark. Ctrl + F2
Go to next bookmark. F2
Select to next bookmark. Alt + F2
Find selection. Ctrl + F3
Find selection backwards. Ctrl + Shift + F3
Scroll up. Ctrl + Up
Scroll down. Ctrl + Down
Line cut. Ctrl + L
Line copy. Ctrl + Shift + T
Line delete. Ctrl + Shift + L
Line transpose with previous. Ctrl + T
Line duplicate. Ctrl + D
Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones. Ctrl + K
Select to matching preprocessor conditional. Ctrl + Shift + K
Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones. Ctrl + J
Select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards. Ctrl + Shift + J
Previous paragraph. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + [
Next paragraph. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + ]
Previous word. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + Left
Next word. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + Right
Previous word part. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + /
Next word part. Shift extends selection. Ctrl +


FunctionShortcut Key
New file or project Ctrl + N
Open existing file or project Ctrl + O
Save current file Ctrl + S
Save all files Ctrl + Shift + S
Close current file Ctrl + F4 / Ctrl + W
Close all files Ctrl + Shift + F4 / Ctrl + Shift + W

This is a list of shortcuts provided by the Code::Blocks' tab component. These shortcuts cannot be rebound.

FunctionShortcut Key
Activate next open file Ctrl + Tab
Activate previous open file Ctrl + Shift + Tab


Word Delete Comment Shortcut Whatsapp

FunctionShortcut Key
Show / hide Messages pane F2
Show / hide Management pane Shift + F2
Move project up (in Project tree) Ctrl + Shift + Up
Move project down (in Project tree) Ctrl + Shift + Down
Activate prior (in Project tree) Alt + F5
Activate next (in Project tree) Alt + F6
Zoom in / out Ctrl + Roll Mouse Wheel
Focus editor CTRL + Alt + E


FunctionShortcut Key
Find Ctrl + F
Find next F3
Find previous Shift + F3
Find in files Crtl + Shift + F
Replace Ctrl + R
Replace in files Ctrl + Shift + R
Goto line Ctrl + G
Goto next changed line Ctrl + F3
Goto previous changed line Ctrl + Shift + F3
Goto file Alt + G
Goto function Ctrl + Alt + G
Goto previous function Ctrl + PgUp
Goto next function Ctrl + PgDn
Goto declaration Ctrl + Shift + .
Goto implementation Ctrl + .
Open include file Ctrl + Alt + .


Word Delete Comment Shortcut

FunctionShortcut Key
Build Ctrl + F9
Compile current file Ctrl + Shift + F9
Run Ctrl + F10
Build and Run F9
Rebuild Ctrl + F11

Word Delete Comment Shortcut Delete

Word Delete Comment Shortcut

Word Remove Comment Pane


How To Remove Comments From Word

FunctionShortcut Key
Debug F8
Continue debugging Ctrl + F7
Step over a code block F7
Step into a code block Shift + F7
Step out of a code block Ctrl + Shift + F7
Toggle breakpoint F5
Run to cursor F4
Previous error Alt + F1
Next error Alt + F2
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