Purananuru Poems In Tamil With Meaning

Purananuru(Tamil: புறநானூறு) is a Tamilpoetic work in the PathinenmaelkanakkuTamil literature, belonging to the Sangamperiod corresponding to between 200 BCE – 100 CE. Purananuruis part of the Ettuthokaianthology which is the oldest available collection of poems of Sangam literaturein Tamil. Following the Tamil tradition of remembering with poetry and song, on Maaveerar Naal 2012, we bring you one of the most famous songs in Tamil literature – the ‘Karma poem’ from the Purananuru, the four hundred songs of war and wisdom. Song 192 of the Purananuru, The song of Kanniyan Poonkunran Tinai - Poruviyal (General Heroism), Turai – Porunmolikkanci. Purananuru is an anthology of old Tamil poetry, the oldest of the eight Sangam anthologies. Literally, the title means four hundred puRam songs - i.e. Songs of the exterior - largely praising warriors, war, and also elegies to the dead. காலத்தில் தமிழரின் வெளிவாழ்க்கை Public life of the Tamils in B.C. Purana;nu;r'u (400 poems.

Purananuru Poems In Tamil With Meaning

Purananuru - Part 187. Whether you grow rice or whether you are a forest. All poems are shown free of charge for educational purposes only in accordance with fair use guidelines. If we have inadvertently included a copyrighted poem that the copyright holder does not wish to be displayed, we will take the poem down.

Puranaanooru – 82

His pregnant wife needs his assistance;
Village festival too has begun;
Sunlight is fast fading in rainy season;
With all this in mind, sharp needle in the hands
of the lowly cot upholsterer moves swiftly;
Swifter than that moves the golden flower wearing mighty warrior
to fight the enemy who comes to conquer his town.

Purananuru Poems In Tamil With Meaning Pdf

சாறுதலைக் கொண்டெனப் பெண்ணீற் றுற்றெனப்
பட்ட மாரி ஞான்ற ஞாயிற்றுக்
கட்டி னிணக்கு மிழிசினன் கையது
போழ்தூண் டூசியின் விரைந்தன்று மாதோ
ஊர்கொள வந்த பொருநனொ
டார்புனை தெரிய னெடுந்தகை போரே.

Purananuru Poems In Tamil With Meaning Hindi


This verse is about the Chola King Porvaikko PeruNarKilli. A local chieftain Aamoor Mallan comes to attack the Chola king’s town. The poet says Killi did not delay going to face his enemy but moved swiftly as if he wanted to finish the job before the sun set. The simile he uses is of the lowly leather worker upholstering a cot. The worker’s wife is pregnant and he needs to be near her to help her. The village festival has begun and he wants to take part in it too. But the job at hand is holding him back. The sun is fading away quickly in the rainy season. If the sun sets, he can’t work further. With all this weighing in his mind, the needle in his hand moves in and out of the leather swiftly as if it has a mind of its own. Even swifter than that moves the Golden yellow flower (the clan flower of Chola Kings) wearing mighty Lord when the enemy is at the gates to conquer his town. He wants to finish him off in a day.

Purananuru poems in tamil with meaning pdf

Each of the three Tamil Kings (Chera / Chola / Pandya) had their own clan flowers which they wore as a garland in the battlefield.

Purananuru poems in tamil with meaning hindiWith

Purananuru Poems In Tamil With Meaning Urdu

சாறு – festival
பெண் – woman (wife)
ஈற்று – pregnant
உற்று – suffering
மாரி – rain
ஞான்று – time of day (Sun set)
ஞாயிறு – sun
கட்டில் – cot
இணக்கு – bind together
இழிசினன் – lowly person (leather worker?)
போழ் – pass through
விரைந்து – swiftly
அன்று – different / more
பொருநன் – enemy combatant
ஆர் – Bauhinia racemosa flower / son patta flower / golden flower
புனை – wearing
நெடுந்தகை – mighty